Little Rock Challenge, Part 2

The Little Rock Half Marathon in Arkansas became the 23rd run state in my 50 states running journey and I was thrilled to be checking this fun race off of my bucket list! I even took on the Little Rock Challenge and ran the 5K the day before!

Due to unusually high temperatures (and humidity) in the forecast, the start of the race was moved up TWO HOURS from 8:00AM to 6:AM! ⏰ As was our Half Fanatic/Marathon Maniac Team photo at the Songham Martial Arts Memorial. ⛩️

Soon it was time for the National Anthem and runners began to line up in their corrals. 🇺🇸

Courtney, Liz and I were at the start line bright and early taking our start line selfie 🤳 and getting ready to explore Little Rock on foot.

Just like the day before, I crossed the start line with the dancing “Fwoppers” overhead! My son always called them that as a toddler and I just can’t call them anything else now. 🥰

It was still quite dark as we set off on our newest 13.1 mile journey together.

Just after the first mile we ran across the Broadway Bridge over the Arkansas River.

After running a little over a mile loop in North Little Rock, we were crossing the Broadway Bridge once again and this time the sun was on the rise so visibility was much better.

Just like the 5K (the day before) there were so many runners decked out in fun pre-historic themed costumes! 😍

And then there was the course support… EVEN MORE DINOSAURS!!! 🤩

I crossed paths with Liz while out on the course and we stopped for a quick selfie! 🤳

The course definitely had some hills but it wasn’t too bad. Or maybe I was just distracted by all of the dinosaurs. 🥰

There was MUCH MORE to see than Dinosaurs out on the course. We ran past this Little Rock Fire Station and got plenty of support from the firehouse! 👨🏻‍🚒

We also ran past the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts. 🖼️

…and this Purse Museum! 👜

The course support was so great! There were neighborhoods that went ALL OUT with snacks/fuel and cheering! 📣

There was even a mimosa station so I stopped for a quick celebratory drink with another runner! Cheers! 🥂

Then, just past the Governor’s Mansion, things got really fun. 😎

Dino footprints appeared on the road and even with my Shokz on I could hear the theme song to Jurassic Park growing louder as I followed the path. Pterodactyl’s were hovering overhead and suddenly I was transported into a whole new world… a “Jurassic World.” This was my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE part of the course! They had fun photo ops! There were Dino’s cheering, high-fivin’ and giving out more snacks and hydration. They had dinosaur shipping crates and even the Jurassic Park Jeep! Clearly, they spared no expense! 😉

But just as with any great race, there was also live music and plenty of (non-dinosaur) spectators cheering on the sidelines too. 😍

Then there was the architecture, I love exploring new cities and seeing all of the unique buildings and houses in all the different parts of town.

And lastly, I had heard so many things about the “Lipstick Stop!” With L’Oréal’s Distribution Center in Little Rock, they give out free makeup at the race expo and also hand out free lipsticks just before the finish line! 💄 Perfect timing for those finish line photos!

We all finished within minutes of one another and took some fun photos at the finish line. 😍

The post race party did not disappoint either! There was fruit, trail mix, pasta, and beer! 🍻

Of course after running all the miles, we were RUN-gry, so we stopped at Big Orange for Boozy Shakes and Burgers afterwards! 🍔 But first we had to climb all the stairs. 😩 (FYI: it was totally worth it.)

We walked off lunch at The Old Mill, explored the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts and then stopped at Rock Town Distillery for some (much needed) Old Fashions. 🥃

It was a VERY LONG, but WONDERFUL day so once we made it back to the AirBnb we were all about rest and recovery ….and trying not to get our tails stuck in the dishwasher? 🦖 Sorry, T-Rex. 😬

Another thing this race is known for… the medals!!! 🏅 They’re HUGE and the bigger the distance, the bigger the medal so the full marathon medal was a Ginormous T-Rex! 🦖

#littlerockarkansas #littlerockchallenge #littlerockhalfmarathon #runcation #fiftystatesrunner #halfcrazymamakris #runningblog #runlife #myjourney #bibboards #loreal #lipstickstop #jurassicpark #jurassicworld #dinofreak #travelbuddies

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